Friday, February 22, 2019

Going to Try to Catch This One

The Highwaymen.

Frank Hamer sounds like he was an interesting lawman. Those old-time lawmen could shoot. Decades ago, I read the biography of Bill Tilghman that had been written by his second wife. My recollection is that when he was a kid, he about wore out a black-powder Colt revolver in learning how to shoot.


  1. Oh good, it's Netflix and not a theater release.

  2. It’s just down the road here where Ofc Murphy and Ofc Wheeler were gunned down by the duo. They finally put up a memorial to the two Officers in 1996, but it seems to be in the wrong place, as no one is certain exactly how Hwy 114 and Dove Road were aligned in 1934. The memorial is over the crest of the most likely small hill on Dove, east of 114, and it’s unlikely that they could have seen the Ford parked if it was over the crest from the Highway (32.9700911, -97.1559392). Papers of the time showed a significant crest, and the current 114 in the area is substantially raised, so puzzling it out is difficult, especially given how rural the area was at that time. The Dove Road of the time was, in local parlance, a pig trail, so its path was possibly quite different than the current roadbed, and several other small hills come into play.

  3. NJT, Netflix is doing both.


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