Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Watch, Read and Heed

I can't tell you the number of times that I've seen either people come to a dead stop in the on-ramp or puter down it at 30MPH.

If you can't handle driving on the highway at highway speeds, then get off the fucking road and drive the surface streets.


  1. The last part of an on ramp is the ACCELERATION lane. Use it!

  2. Another peeve is when drivers make a turn and coast over all the lanes. I was taught to make a right turn into the right lane, then signal to move left and vice versa.

    Also when a “Good Samaritan” will hold up six cars so that one car can make a left turn in front of everyone. It’s okay if traffic is already stopped, but jeeze, I’ve seen cars in front of me slow and stop to let that one car cross. An accident waiting to happen.


  3. The Berkeley cop who taught the traffic school I attended because of a speeding ticket I got said "Be going the speed limit when you merge into traffic from the freeway onramp, and accelerate 5 MPH for each lane to the left you change into."
    When someone asked whether he was advising us to break the posted speed limit he said: "Look, I'm the cop who has to investigate all fatality traffic accidents in Berkeley, and I'm advising you not to cause any of them for me to have to investigate."

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Driver's Training Berkeley Ca 1971. They put us in a big old Mercury cruiser and got us out on the highway, in Bay Area rush hour traffic. Sink or swim baby.
    If you weren't doing at least freeway speed when you merged you were stuck. It was scary going that fast at first but you had to merge at speed. Lifetime driving lesson.

  5. The 'changing several lanes at once' is called Reckless Driving in California. At least my mother found that out in mid 1980s LA.


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