Friday, August 24, 2018

Talkies: Mission Impossible- Fallout

Mission Impossible- Fallout is rated 97% fresh by Rotten Tomatoes.

I have to wonder: Are the critics smoking crack?[1]

I went to see it a couple of days ago. Calling it "awful" would be an understatement. The movies is nothing more than a series of fight/chase sequences connected by a plot which can only be described as ludicrous. The protagonist, Ethan Hunt, takes enough damage in some of the sequences to have put him in an ICU several times over (or in the ground).

It's a fucking cartoon with human actors. If the original series, which was somewhat cerebral, is compared to this movie, the movie is a tale told by someone with significant mental deficits.

Wait for it to come out in Redbox or on basic cable.
[1] I should have remembered that the critics loved The English Patient. I thought it sucked. It was one of those rare movies in which one hoped that every character would die soon.


  1. Must be Impossible for Hollywood to make a good movie these days. Glad I went to see Pooh movie instead!

  2. JM, how was the Pooh movie?

    Next movie will likely be The Happytime Murders The critics hate it, but the director will have had to work at it to make it worse than MI-Fallout.

  3. Were the stunts any good? I heard there was a helicopter sequence that Cruise flew.
    But yes, I was planning on waiting until it hits netflix

  4. I think I've seen a couple of these movies on TV. Parts, at least. Sounds like one to skip!

  5. Sarah,

    Most weren't believable.

  6. The English Patient, Ghost and Titanic all got disproportionately heavy couples exposure for the same reason: they each featured a character who understood adequate foreplay.


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