Friday, June 15, 2018

Manafort Pulls a Shkreli, and
"All Hail the Donald! All Hail the Donald!"

President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort is going to jail.

On Friday, Manafort was ordered into custody after a federal judge revoked his house arrest, citing newly filed obstruction of justice charges. The move by U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson made Manafort the first Trump campaign official to be jailed as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. ... “You have abused the trust placed in you six months ago,” she said.
I don't know whether or not Manafort told his attorneys what he was doing before he did it, but if he had, I'd be willing to wager that their response was along the lines of:

Actually, it was worse than Shkreli, for Shkreli had already been convicted and was out on bail awaiting sentencing when he acted ignorant. Manafort now gets to prepare for trial from jail.

Meanwhile, Our Wannabee Dictator, Der Drumpenfuhrer, has a bad case of dictator envy.
President* Donald Trump said Friday that he wants "my people" to “sit up at attention” the way North Koreans do for dictator Kim Jong Un.

The comment came during an impromptu interview with Fox News on the White House's North Lawn, days after Trump met with Kim in Singapore as part of an effort to reach a denuclearization deal with Pyongyang. When asked about whether Kim would be visiting the White House any time soon, Trump responded “it could happen.” He then went on to praise the dictator for being a strong leader.

“He’s the head of a country and I mean he is the strong head,” Trump said to Fox. “Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”
When Trump realized how that was going over, he said he was only kidding.

But let's be clear, Gentle Reader: He wasn't kidding. Trump has nothing but contempt for democratic institutions, let alone the rule of law. He admires Kim Jong-un, who has had people executed for not paying sufficient attention to him at meetings. Trump would be more than happy to have people be required to line the roads when he passes by and sing his praises and salute him.

Here is my salute:



  2. Jimmy Breslin once perfectly described in detail the motions of that gesture which he called the Classic Italian Gesture of Respect For The Clergy

    And now an appropriate gesture of respect for Our Dear Orange Leader in lieu of coming to attention.

  3. Interesting use of “foldering” by Manafort. I guess he thought, wrongly, that by not sending the email, it wouldn’t be recorded anywhere. As for Hair Fuhrer, maybe he’ll trade places with Kim...that’d freak out Pence.


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