Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Paradise Papers

The "Paradise Papers" are back in the news. A lot of the financial fuckery of the super-rich is coming to light. The various financial shenanigans that were hidden from view include Russians investing with Jerrod Kushner.

There's a bank in Utah that helps Russian oligarchs buy and register airplanes in the U.S., which they themselves are prohibited by law from doing.

Seven rich Trumpanzees, including one guy whose basically a legalized loan shark, a billionaire who thinks that affordable housing is immoral, and the usual bunch of wealthy evildoers. Offshore money fueled the Trump campaign (that he said he would self-finance).

At least one Democratic donor, but there'll probably be more.

There is a shitload of stuff that's now out.

Money may not be the root of all evil, but it sure does help keep the roots of evil well-watered.

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