Saturday, June 17, 2017

Trump's Story Keeps Changing

President* Donald Trump acknowledged for the first time Friday that he is under federal investigation as part of the expanding probe into Russia's election meddling. He lashed out at a top Justice Department official overseeing the inquiry, reflecting his mounting frustration with the unrelenting controversy that has consumed his early presidency.

"I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt," the president wrote on Twitter.
Trump wasn't told to fire Comey. First off, as anyone who has paid even a smidgen of attention to Trump's career trajectory knows, nobody can tell Trump anything. He does what he wants and, like a petulant seven-year old, other people clean up the resultant mess.

Second, this is what Trump said a month ago:
President Donald Trump said Thursday [05/11/17] that he had already decided to fire ousted FBI Director James Comey before Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wrote up a formal recommendation to do so.

"I was going to fire Comey," Trump told NBC News' Lester Holt in an interview. "Regardless of the recommendation I was going to fire Comey."

The White House initially said Rosenstein's memorandum to Attorney General Jeff Sessions prompted Trump to fire Comey, but Trump contradicted that account, saying he had already planned to do so and requested a memo to back up his decision.
So, was Trump lying then or is he lying now?


  1. "Lying then or now?" That's the question that needs to be asked.

  2. Or is he somehow lying both times.

  3. "So, was Trump lying then or is he lying now?"


  4. I'm not saying that he wouldn't be in any trouble at all if he had the self-discipline to STFU every once in a while when the situation called for it, but I am saying that his current troubles would be fewer and less severe.
    And who instructed Rosenstein to draft that memo in the first place?

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. "I'm not saying that he wouldn't be in any trouble at all if he had the self-discipline to STFU every once in a while when the situation called for it, but I am saying that his current troubles would be fewer and less severe."

    Yup. Exactly right.

  6. It's like watching someone dig their own grave with their mouth. In a legal sense, that is what Trump is doing.

    "Dolt-45" is not an insult anymore. It is an accurate assessment of him as president.


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