Wednesday, June 21, 2017

"Oh, the Horror"-- Hoplophobia Ed.

The gunman who opened fire on a GOP baseball team in Virginia had a local storage locker with more than 200 rounds of ammunition that he visited daily, including less than an hour before he shot more than 60 times at the team during a morning practice June 14.
200 rounds?? {cue heart palpitations} My stars! {rapid fanning}

200 rounds? Fucking piker.


  1. They always get their panties in a twist.

    I guess it doesn't occur to them to wonder how many rounds a person might have.

    (You might as well be upset that I have 1000 peanuts. Or potato chips.)

  2. It's like they aren't cheaper when you buy larger quantities.

  3. Funny how the proposed bill by a Congressman would allow members of Cpngress to carry anywhere, except the Capitol...I thought the narrative was that gun free zones are targets? Oh, and 200 rounds is about 40 short of his goal, if he planned to hit with each one.

  4. Seems to me if you have hoplophobia you have fear of hoplons-shields. This would be akin to fear of flak vests.
    Or else you have fear of hoplites-soldiers.
    If you fear weapons maybe that would be xiphosphobia or kopisphobia-fear of the sword; or maybe, since their primary weapon was the spear, doryphobia would be correct.
    You might never want a battle with a bullet proof vest but nobody fears a flak vest. Do they?

  5. 200 rounds is what I usually used in an afternoon of target practice.

  6. When I order ammo, it's by case lots (ten boxes for handguns) because that brings down the shipping changes to a reasonable level.

  7. I probably have that many loose rounds scattered about the place.

  8. Two weeks ago I found a three gallon bucket full of .45 Colt that I had misplaced in the garage couple of years ago. At the moment there are 500 rounds of .223 that are "somewhere" after a burst water pipe last winter necessitated moving them

  9. Shit, even *I* have 200 rounds. How many do they think you use when you go shoot?

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. I feel like a piker and I have at least a couple thousand.


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