Monday, June 26, 2017


The marbles championship story had a self-launching video that was annoying.

I've replaced that with a link.


  1. Yes it was. I routinely have two or three dozen tabs open in three (sometimes more) sessions of my browser. Trying to find the miscreant in all those is nearly impossible. I just happened to figure out what was causing it, finally.

    Apology accepted, as I know that generally you are not a fan of auto-run videos.

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired

  2. Thank you. I was just getting proficient at finding that sucker before it went off...

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. That's good news, explains a lot. I'd hear faint voices, thinking my wife was talking to me. I'd get up, ask her what she said, she'd tell me I was imagining things again. After a brief argument, I returned to the computer, all was quiet, and I began to wonder if maybe I was losing it.



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