Thursday, April 13, 2017

Come Visit Mar-a-Lago, Have a Nice Meal, Go Home with Food Poisoning

Just days before the state visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Mar-a-Lago, President* Donald Trump’s Palm Beach private club, Florida restaurant inspectors found potentially dangerous raw fish and cited the club for storing food in two broken down coolers.
In two of the club’s coolers, inspectors found that raw meats that should be stored at 41 degrees were much too warm and potentially dangerous: chicken was 49 degrees, duck clocked in a 50 degrees and raw beef was 50 degrees. The winner? Ham at 57 degrees.
That explains why The Donald has his steak cooked well-done-- he knows that his own kitchen is a hotbed of disease, filth and villany.


  1. It was a cunning plot to use the fish, freshly outfitted with cybernetically enhanced parasites, to spy on foreign leaders by embedding microphones and cameras in their bodies.

  2. Meat, poultry and Fish should be BELOW 40 degrees and above 32.

  3. I know. Another reason to stay the frak out of Florida.

  4. Today trump also lost a lawsuit for stiffing contractors for $32k as he routinely does. Despite his battalion of lawyers' delays and technicalities he now owes $300,000. Our president the deadbeat.


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