Friday, December 16, 2016

He Should Have Shared Classified Material With His Mistress, Instead

The Army has stripped Maj. Gen. David Haight of three ranks, Army Secretary Eric Fanning said Friday, following revelations contained in documents and interviews of Haight's decade-long extramarital affair and “swinger lifestyle.
Haight's real problem is that unlike another general, he didn't have a bunch of powerful politicians as rabbis.


  1. Not in any way denigrating anyone's lifestyle here, but why is this any worse than being gay (or straight)? I mean, yes, it is outside the "norm" but really, just like every other lifestyle choice, what happens in your bedroom should stay there and not matter to the rest of us.

    Why is his lifestyle relevant? If your choice and my choice of who and how we have sex shouldn't matter, why does this?

  2. My post was mainly a dig at Big Army for busting this guy, who did nothing to jeopardize security, other than outraging big Army's sense of morals. He gets busted three paygrades while Petraeus, comparatively, got a slap on the wrist.

    As to your point, you're right. The same reasons that the Army gave for busting him were the same reasons that they used to give for kicking out gays and lesbians. From the accounts that I've read, he wasn't doing anything to jeopardize the country. He didn't share classified information with anyone.

    I agree: This shouldn't matter a bit.

  3. See, it's really very easy to understand. Having sex with somebody other than your wife, and giving her state secrets to keep her happy is norrrr-mal. A man should please his girlfriend. Otherwise she might quit him and he'd have to go back to having sex with his wife.

    But having sex with somebody other than your wife, with other people in the room looking at you, that's pre-verted. Do that often enough and you could go blind. And then how could you lead the troops?

    Any questions?

    Yours very crankily,
    The New York Crank


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