Saturday, October 15, 2016

Something for the Historical Gun Nut

The Army manual for the M-1918 BAR.


  1. I've long wanted a BAR, but so damned pricey!

  2. Couldn't get the link to open. American soldiers loved them some BAR but mostly, I think, because they didn't know any better. Sure, it held more .30-06 rounds than a Garand and fired fully auto but the lack of easily removable barrel, heavy weight and small box mag made it a poor squad automatic weapon when compared to the BREN or MG34/MG42. Good thing the WWII vets are getting thin on the ground (my dad is still hanging in there at 90 but he was Navy) or I'd get flamed for dissing the beloved BAR. Guess I better not mention what I think of the Colt 1911-A1.


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