Monday, October 24, 2016

For Haters of Classical Music, 23rd Century Edition

Wait about 250 years...


  1. *sigh* I suppose I'm just OLD, but that doesn't work for me.

    If I get to hate classical music in the 23rd century, can I please hate Adam Lambert instead? (Not that I do; taking on Freddie Mercury's role in Queen was tough, seriously. But I'm indifferent to the current crop of bands, bordering on indifferent.)

  2. D: If you're indifferent to the current crop, I have two things to say:

    1. Lucius
    2. The Joy Formidable

    I went years without a band to be excited over, and I'm kinda old too (55) and both of these have been lighting me up for a while now.

    -Doug in Oakland


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