Friday, October 21, 2016

Fine Korean Whines

Samsung apparently is not satisfied with only making fine exploding mobile phones for home and office. Now they're trying to stop people from making fun of them for it.
Samsung appears to have filed copyright claims against YouTube videos mocking its recalled Galaxy Note 7 handset.

Many gamers have showcased a modification to video game Grand Theft Auto V, in which sticky bombs were switched with exploding Samsung phones.

But some have reported that their videos have been blocked on YouTube following a copyright complaint.
The last time that I looked into this area, satire and parody use is permitted under copyright law. So this would seem to be a case of Butthurt v. Parodiers.

They haven't gotten to this one, yet:

Trying to shut down people who criticize or make fun of your products is a thoroughly dickish move, Samsung.


  1. Not only is it dickish, it draws more attention to your Charlie Foxtrot. Like the Donald: first he pulls it out in front of God and everybody, then he steps on with cleated golf shoes...and then he draws everybody attention to it....and how it couldn't be him or anything he did.

  2. Streisand effect on line one....


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