Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Stupidity of Trump and His Fellow-Travelers

Donald the Grifter is doubling down on his call to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S., and he is also adding his patented conspiracy-theory bullshit. Which you can go read about.

The error of the Grifter and his ilk is over-defining the enemy. Which is not an error confined to the Right, for when it comes to the issues involving Israel, the Left makes the same error.

When you define the enemy too broadly, what you do is give people who were not involved a reason to join the other side. The people bruiting about the "This is a War With Islam" are telling over a billion people that they might as well ally with ISIS and al Qaeda, because the Americans will kill them anyway. The "War With Islam" folks are tacitly suggesting that a billion people send donations to our enemies and send their young to fight us.

That is nothing short of criminal-grade stupidity and, on the part of Trump, is sheer demagoguery.

When one catalogues the various faults of the GOP candidate, such as demagoguery, disdain for the rule of law, hatred of free press, swindling his investors, self-dealing, lying to a level not seen since Joseph Goebbels, misogyny, racism, xenophobia, and a willingness to use the power of the state to deprive other people of their property in order to enrich himself, one has to wonder why anyone would cast a vote for him.


  1. Good post.

    -Jack the Cold Warrior

  2. This dipwad in Orlando was an American. Born and raised here. Piss-poor Muslim in that he drank at gay clubs and a user of a gay hookup app. There's thousands of other Americans just like him. I suppose we could deport him to... well... America... but that wouldn't exactly do us any good. And if we're talking about deporting people back to countries their ancestors came from, I'm sure the Lakota and Navaho will be happy about that, but the rest of us won't be.


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