Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Over a Million a Month

That's the current rate of gun sales, based on NICS checks.

For September, 506,877 record checks were done for handgun sales, 446,564 for rifles and shotguns.

Ten years ago, the numbers were 191,379 and 411,804.

The gun control crowd has become the best sales force that the gun industry has ever had.


  1. Correlation and causation check...couldn't resist.

    On that note, what is the real reason for the massive increase in handgun vs long gun sales? I would have expected long gun sales to increase somewhat with the prepper crowd around more now vs. then. Yea, "they're coming to take your guns" has some impact, but that much? Correcting for population changes seems to make sales of handguns roughly double, plus a little.

    Looking back, the Obama election did spike the sales a bit, but not hugely above other high months. The handgun numbers spiked much more than the long guns. Maybe a fun combination of white paranoia, smart gun industry whisper campaigns and political posturing?

  2. Found the chart I wanted:


    The definitive jump seems to be 2011, with early Obama numbers similar to late Bush. The Giffords shooting was Jan, but the NICS spike didn't hit till April. So perhaps Scott Walker (Feb) or the decision by the Obama Administration to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act (Mar) was a factor...

    Just waiting for Right Wing Watch to link to stories suggesting Gay Rights causes violence and God fearing 'Merican's to buy guns...oh, wait, that already happened.

    But to return to the theme, looks like a plausible theory, oh oracle, despite my concerns.


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