Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Unintended Consequences; Constitutional Edition

In 2014, the voters in Missouri narrowly approved a constitutional amendment which says that people have an inalienable right to farm.

Now, the claim is being made that since farming is growing stuff, that applies to growing weed.
A Missouri woman believes her constitutional right to farm shields her against being prosecuted for allegedly growing a small crop of marijuana in her basement.

Lisa Loesch, 52, of Jefferson City, was charged in 2013 with a felony count of manufacturing and/or distributing a controlled substance. Investigators with the Jefferson City Police Department and a regional drug task force said they found nine healthy, potted marijuana plants under grow lights in her basement in October 2012.
She's probably got a reasonable shot of winning her argument.

1 comment:

  1. There will soon be a new specialty for lawyers: The "This is what we really meant when we wrote that law" practice. Our recent hobby of hiring batshit politicians nationwide will leave us with that need for a very long time.


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