Friday, May 15, 2015

The Road to Success....

.....has some low bridges.


  1. Some years back a semi pulling one of those septic tank delivery trailer with a crane did that FUBAR to a underpass bridge a mile west of the Kingston Rhinecliff bridge. Put a substantial wrinkle in the first bridge girder. The lane above nearest the edge of overpass was blocked off, and two or three months later, the damaged part was cut out and a very highly certified welder put in a very substantial splice/reinforcement.
    About halfway to the bridge (west bound only), there is now a solar-powered photocell that, if something too tall interrupts the beam, makes a sign light up further down the road telling the driver he doesn't want to do this.
    It has been my experience that people can ignore the most incandescent messages.

  2. It was my experience driving a 20' bobtail for a long time, that most of the marked heights are actually 6" higher than what they are marked as. There was one, though, that wasn't, and I had to let a bunch of air out of my tires to get back out from under it. Then walk to a payphone (remember those?) to get someone to bring me an air compressor to fill them back up again. At least no cops had to get involved...

    -Doug in Oakland


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