Saturday, May 9, 2015

Another Grifter at Work?

A Colorado barbecue joint is taking heat after announcing a plan to hold a day honoring white people.

"On June 11th, what we plan on doing is 'White Appreciation Day.' And basically on that day, all white people would get 10 percent off," Edgar Antillon, owner of Rubbin' Buttz BBQ and Country Cafe in Milliken, Colorado, told NBC affiliate KUSA.
Maybe it's satire. But I suspect it's a con job.

What'll happen is that there will be talk of lawsuits. Then the Right Wing Noise Machine will get its outrage on. A GoFundMe Hater-Aid account will be started to help pay for the restaurant owner's legal fees. He'll get a whomping amount of money from that, just like the Pizza Joint of Hate did in Indiana.

And, just like Renee, he'll walk away.

A couple songs about leaving:

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