Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sharia Law in Alabama

On Sunday, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore told the state’s probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, an order defying a ruling last month by a federal judge that the state’s ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. ... Judge Moore is often known as the “Ten Commandments Judge.” When Moore, a devout Christian who often relies on Biblical scripture in his rulings, began his judicial career as an Alabama circuit court judge in the 1990s, he placed a Ten Commandments tablet he had carved himself behind his courtroom bench and began instituting prayer before jury selection.
Fox News and the rest of the Wingnut Noise Machine scream blue bloody murder over their insane fantasies that Sharia law will be imposed on America. But they have no problem with judges who would follow their personal interpretation of Biblical law, rather than follow secular law.

And when some batshit Christian preacher or state legislator calls for laws to recriminalize being gay or engaging in adultery, only they want to impose the death penalty, the silence on the Right is almost deafening.

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