Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's Not Terrorism When White Folk Do It?

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — Authorities are looking for a man who may have information about a homemade explosive that someone set off near the Colorado Springs chapter of the NAACP.

The blast happened Tuesday outside a barber shop that's next door to the group's office, which is about an hour south of Denver. There were no injuries and only minor damage, police said.

An improvised explosive device was detonated against the building, but it was too soon to know whether the nation's oldest civil rights organization was the target, FBI spokeswoman Amy Sanders said. The agency sent members of its Joint Terrorism Task Force to help investigate.

Sanders said investigators were looking for a balding white man in his 40s who may be driving a dirty pickup truck. It could have an open tailgate or a missing or covered license plate.
Betcherass if the guy had a dark skin or was named "Abdullah" or "Jamal", this story would be broadcast far and wide, rather than being buried in the news blurb sections.


  1. A balding white man in his 40s driving a dirty pickup truck in Colorado...well, he's as good as caught.

  2. Balding white man, bomb outside a barber shop. Maybe he asked for a discount and got stung by the search fee.

  3. When twitter is your go-to source for the story, you know the jig is up...

  4. CNN is talking about it right now.

  5. Update: The FBI has released an artist's sketch of the "person of interest". The "artist" managed to draw something that could have crawled out of Area 51's vaults. It's as if the FBI grabbed the most inept artist they had and sent him out to this site to make the sketch, because hey, it's just Negros, it's not like it warrants their best and brightest artist, right?



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