Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Court Clerk is Free to Be a Bigot.

That's the shorter reason for why a number of counties in Florida are no longer performing marriages at the courthouse, because they don't want to marry queers.

How long will this take to work through? Interracial marriage has been the law of the land for the last 48 years and yet, there are places where that fight keeps coming back.

1 comment:

  1. Basically, if these clerks are supposed to do their job duties without discrimination (oath-bound or otherwise) and refuse to do them, they should be fired. Period. (I have to wonder if these people took these positions in order to refuse to marry same-sex people, but as you know, I have that kind of twisty mind.)

    Meanwhile, 1) somebody will have to sue, and 2) couples have been invited to marry in Tallahassee.


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