Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Only Speak Good of the Dead; Greenglass Edition

David Greenglass – who served 10 years in prison for his role in the most explosive atomic spying case of the Cold War, and gave testimony that sent his sister Ethel Rosenberg and her husband to the electric chair – has died aged 92.
The little ratfucking weasel lied his own sister into the electric chair, then blamed her for not falsely confessing to save herself.

He should only rot in Hell.


  1. Agreed! That was ugly...

  2. Ah, what a paranoid era! Though my ex-wife was a mere little kid at the time, even she was touched – quite directly and impact fully, although she had no connection whatsoever to the Rosenbergs.

    It happened the end of October, 1952. My ex, then 10 years old, was going back door to back door trick-or-treating with a friend who lived at 1185 Park Avenue in Manhattan, dressed as witches, and carrying shopping bags into which people could drop candy.

    Seconds after they rang one door, it swung open. Men, pointing pistols at their faces, slammed them against a wall and began frisking them for – I dunno, commie weapons, or A-bombs, or enemy propaganda, or something.

    The two girls burst into tears as they were interrogated. Remember, they're ten years old. Finally, they were made to state their home telephone numbers. Their parents were called and summoned to pick them up and assure the FBI that they would never, ever perform a subversive exercise like trick-or-treating again.

    Turns out the apartment belonged to the judge in the Rosenberg trial, and this was his gov'mint security.

    You can't make this shit up. I still feel sorry for my ex because of this, even despite the crap she pulled on me in divorce court.

    Yours very crankily,
    The New York Crank


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