Sunday, October 19, 2014

It's the Great Pumpkin Riot, Charlie Brown!

Tear gas and pepper spray hung in the air as police in riot gear descended on Keene, New Hampshire, on Saturday night, trying to disperse a rowdy crowd that brought chaos to the city's 24th annual Pumpkin Festival, CNN affiliates reported. ... Other young people shouted expletives at police, started fires in the road, pulled down a street sign and apparently tried to flip over a Subaru, the [Keene] Sentinel said.
Snarking about "where are the white community leaders" and "this wouldn't happen in white families' had fathers" in

1 comment:

  1. Keene has an infestation of Libertarian/Occupy kids who have been moving there over the last few years to smoke weed, make anti-cop youtube videos and live off of their trust funds. The whole place needs to be cleaned out with DDT.


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