Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blackwater- Nisour Square Massacre Convictions

Three security guards working for the private US contractor Blackwater have been found guilty of the manslaughter of a group of unarmed civilians at a crowded Baghdad traffic junction in one of the darkest incidents of the Iraq war.

A fourth, Nicholas Slatten, was found guilty of one charge of first-degree murder. All face the likelihood of lengthy prison sentences after unanimous verdicts on separate weapons charges related to the incident.
The sad thing is that the massacre wasn't charged as a war crime. If they had charged the Blackwater goons with war crimes, then they could have gone after Blackwater Führer Prince and nailed his slimy ass under the Yamashita doctrine.

Which, of course, they'd never do because then they'd set a precedent for charging Chimpy, Darth, Condi and the rest of the senior Bushies.

And, probably, now, Barry and his boys.


  1. The real tragedy is that the actions of these men doubtless fueled many of those who saw them - not to mention the survivors of those they killed - to turn to radical Islam as the only outlet for their anger. I wonder how many of those in ISIS today got their start down that road as a result of these murders?

  2. I also have no doubt that the two battles of Fallujah were sparked by a similar bit of arrogant stupidity on the part of Blackwater.


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