Friday, September 5, 2014

Riddle Me This, Batman; ISIS, Work and Crime

So let me see if I understand this:

If a woman gets date-raped after going to a bar, it's her fault for not watching her drink. If she dates a weasel and the weasel rapes her, it's her fault for going out with a bad guy. If she get cat-called on the street, it's her fault for looking good.

If you go into a bad neighborhood and get robbed, beaten or carjacked, it's partially your fault for going into Over-the Rhine, Roxbury or any other sketchy place. If you're black and some lunatic vigilante shoots you, your fault from mouthing off to the gun-toting fool or for walking in a white neighborhood while wearing a hoodie.

If you work in a steel mill and you get your foot crushed by a shifting load, your fault for not being careful.

But if you're an American reporter and you go into an area where militants who hate Americans are operating, they find you and they kill you, now we have to go all bombsie on them?

How does this make any sense?

1 comment:

  1. Well if you get a lot of political donations from MIC or your paycheck originates in the MIC, well then yes it makes sense. If you want consistency no.


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