Saturday, September 13, 2014

OMG, Here Come the Mall Cops!

Your argument is invalid.


  1. I want to see somebody shoot a .308 off one of those... :-)

  2. OK, those things only work well on pavement, so look out demonstrators...

  3. I said "Photo shop!" then went looking for the provenance of that photo. Those are actual Chinese cops in Beijing, a bit before the Olympics, in fact they're part of an "elite" anti-terrorism squad drilling for a response to a terrorist attack.

    - Badtux the Music Penguin`

  4. Actually, Segway also produces an "Adventure" model with off-road tires, mudflaps, and a ruggedized frame. That's what the owner of the company with the production rights to the Segway (Jim Heselden) was riding as he bopped off a 42' cliff in Yorkshire in 2008. He died.


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