Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Here We Go Again; Escalattio Edition

A day after US warplanes expanded the war south-west of Baghdad, Army General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate armed services committee that he could see himself recommending the use of some US military forces now in Iraq to embed within Iraqi and Kurdish units to take territory away from Isis.

“If we reach the point where I believe our advisers should accompany Iraqi troops on attacks against specific [Isis] targets, I will recommend that to the president,” Dempsey said, preferring the term “close combat advising”.
Is "close combat advising" something like "safe sex"? And didn't we go down that route about fifty years ago, but on the other side of Asia?

Any coincidence to the fact that there are occasional rumbles about registering women for the draft?

And can we land helicopters on top of the American embassy in Baghdad?


  1. I'm all for registering women for the draft.

    Sign 'em up, ship 'em out, put a rifle in their hands and march 'em into the machine guns.

    Equality, bichez. Lap it up, it's what you wanted!

    I need feminism because not enough women die in combat and we need to do something about it.

  2. Anon 1:10pm, having women killed in combat will only decrease your chances of ever getting laid. Which, judging from the misogyny evident in your post, is pretty poor to begin with.

  3. Comrada, why look at it that way...maybe he's covering both sides of the plate, that'll more than double his chances...

  4. Yep, we've done this before... ECS April 15, 1975, directing traffic...

  5. CP88, so what is the effect of doubling an infinitesimal?

  6. Tap a knee with a mallet, the leg kicks by patellar reflex. Dare to suggest actual equality between men and women, and the "misogyny" and "virgin" responses appear by a similar mechanism.

    Just like the "you carry a gun because tiny penis" line we gun owners get, it's the mark of an infantile mind lashing out with ad homs in lieu of an actual argument.

    If women and men are to be strictly identical (as your crackpot Gramscian-Marxist social theories demand) then there exists no reason why we shouldn't troop legions of 18 year old girls overseas to march them over IEDs. Of course, sometimes I forget that wymyn are strong empowered fish who don't need no bicycles (except to die willingly in defense of hearth and home). That's straight-up misandry right there. You're triggering me!

  7. Dag nab it, forgot the trigger warning! Wait,'s just a readom mens-rights posturer.

  8. Hey, that embassy is big enough, we could land several at once!

    And at least if the draft was reinstituted, it might wake the slumbering hoard that is ignoring the 'economic draft' being used to get 'volunteers' right now.


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