Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pony Gun

My first Colt revolver: A `70s Detective Special.

Not my first Colt, though. I've owned 1911s and AR-15s. Still have two of one and one of the other. But other than a couple Colt Agents (aluminum-framed Detective Specials) that have looked as though they've been used hard, this is the first reasonably-priced Colt revolver I've seen in a long while.

Thanks, in part, to The Walking Dead, Pythons are almost always two grand or better. I've seen one for less than that in the last couple of years, but it was closer to two grand than one and it had speckles of surface rust. Colt Troopers seem to be getting pricey, as well. But then, so are Model 19s.

Older revolvers are getting up there in price. But this one wasn't bought for collecting, I bought it for carrying.

UPDATE: I dashed to the range at lunchtime and put a fast 18 rounds through it. Shot pretty much to point-of-aim at 7 yards, maybe a skosh to the left. That may be I just need more trigger time.

It works.

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