Thursday, April 3, 2014

"Please Stay on the Line, We Value Your Call"

If you valued my call, I wouldn't now be on hold for fifteen minutes in order to speak to one of your motherfucking "customer service" agents.

You cocksuckers.


  1. I've long suspected that the reason we stay on the line so long waiting to speak of "one of" their customer service representatives is, there only is only one customer service representative., and that person is out to lunch.

    Very crankily yours,
    The New York Crank

  2. Yea, just how "valuable" is my call when they make me wait 20 minutes?
    Are they going to charge me by the minute?
    And True, we are waiting for the "only" customer service person.
    My personal pet peeve is when they tell me twice a minute that I can reach them at www.idontknow. IF I Could have solved this online, I Would Have! Idiots.

  3. If you value my call and aren't trying to annoy me off the phone: Instead of playing obnoxious music at an obnoxious volume with an obnoxious level of distortion, play something quiet, instrumental and inoffensive, just loud enough to know I haven't been hung up on. Instead of playing a recording "we care, will be with you shortly" over and over, don't have any recorded voices once I'm on hold until just before a real person comes on the line--so I can do something else and not have to pay attention every 90 seconds only to find it's just your recording caring about me again. Bonus points if after making me enter details before getting connected to a real person, that person has those details available.


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