Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"By Condensing, We Self-Actualize."

The quantum matrix is beaming with a resonance cascade. Healing is the truth of guidance, and of us.

Nothing is impossible.

Eons from now, we pilgrims will heal like never before as we are recreated by the totality. Soon there will be a redefining of healing the likes of which the infinite has never seen. We are being called to explore the galaxy itself as an interface between joy and life.

Who are we? Where on the great story will we be aligned? Our conversations with other adventurers have led to a condensing of ultra-unified consciousness. Humankind has nothing to lose.
Sounds like the stuff of self-help books and seminars, no?

Well, it's all bullshit. Really. It's computer-generated bullshit.

Try it for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I think this could be applied to other things as well. Like the Financial Markets. Probably law too.


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