Monday, April 7, 2014

"Boom" go the Republicans


  1. The really humorous part of that cover is the notion that our Campaigner in Chief could ever posess the drive and ability to complete medical school. Of course, he'd be handwaved through regardless of substance because YOU'RE RACIST! Given the level of historical and academic knowledge that BHO, "Constitutional Scholar" , has displayed, it's plausable that BHO, M.D. would believe that Obamacare is a better method of insuring the uninsured than, say, extending Medicaid to everyone or issuing a voucher to the poor to purchase a plan on the open market. Doctors are known for their penchant for golf, as well. I wonder: Would BHO, M.D. be a trauma surgeon at an ER in a Chicago hospital, where he would get the chance to save people who look like his hypothetical son from death by wounds inflicted by his other hypothetical sons?

  2. Well, that was a bit messy!

    Hey, let's see if I can cause a secondary explosion:

    Hey, Andrew S., Michelle Obama is a beautiful woman with good intentions!

  3. "Messy" would be one description. "Incoherent rantings" would be another.

  4. Ranting's all I got. I'm the child of two SoCal democrats, raised on a steady diet of liberal theology, socialism, and hatred of Chimpy McBushHitler. I voted for BHO in 2008, the first presidential election that I was old enough to vote in. Somewhere between then and now, "Hope and Change" became "But Bush Did It Too, and Shut Up, Racist!". It's bad enough that I was played like a fiddle and that nearly everything I believed in was a deliberate, cynical sham imposed on me by one half of the landed aristocracy. The smugness? That's the cherry on top. Take your medicine, little children! It's gooooood for you!

    I used to be a smug, self-satisfied, low information lefty myself, so that shit gets me madder than hell.


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