Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Another "Affluenza" Case

One of the members of the DuPont family is getting probation for raping his three-year old daughter.

Because rich dudes don't do well in prison. That's what the judge said. Never mind that the Little Baby-Fucker stands 6'4" and weighs in at 250lbs.

Isn't that reverse racism? Or class-based sentencing? So if some poor schlemiel Black dude gets convicted of Jaywalking in Delaware, Judge Jan Jurden would presumably give the perp ten to fifteen in prison, because he'd do OK?


  1. I miss the day when guys like this could just get quietly lynched by their neighbors. Hopefully the civil suits by the kids totally break him.

  2. I'm with 'Murphy'. How the heck can you just be "let off" for something so beyond the pale? I know "money talks" and all that old BS but this just really stinks. When the heck did money become a legal defense? At least put him in a country club like Madoff is! This is just Crap!

  3. Hell, yes, money talks. You don't really believe that Robert Blake and OJ Simpson didn't whack their (ex-)wives? Or that not a single one of the banksters committed fraud or any other financial crime during eh real-estate bubble and afterwards?

    All those folks can afford the kinds of lawyers who make prosecutors want to drink more. It's not like they can charge some poor schmuck with murder and then plead it down to manslaughter.

    Justice may be blind, but it's not deaf to the sound of a cash register.


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