Monday, February 24, 2014


If you watched the third show of third season of "Sherlock" on PBS, you might have noticed something.

The episode was based on the original story "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton". Milverton was a blackmailer and that is how he made his living.

In the episode, Milverton was a foreign-born newspaper and media mogul who used the information he had to apply pressure to influential people in order to promote his business interests. Which is to say, he was a high-class blackmailer.

But given the similarities, at least on the surface, between the modern version of Milverton and a certain foreign-born newspaper and media magnate, one might expect that the conservative's war against PBS is going to be ramped up a tad.

1 comment:

  1. At least until Fox can go before the Supremes and get high-class blackmail legalized.


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