Thursday, February 6, 2014

Give the Russians a Break Over the Hotels in Sochi!

After all, they only had seven years to get ready.

Which is equivalent to about one year in a capitalist country. So no wonder they're not ready.

The water looks like piss. And that seems to be among the least of the issues for foreigners in Sochi,

The Russians supposedly spent $50 billion on the Olympics, which probably means about $40 billion or more were stolen. The Soviet Union seems to have been a paragon of efficiency compared to the Russian kleptocracy.*

This is turning into a major embarrassment for the Putin regime. When Tsar Vladimir IV gets embarrassed, some underlings are going to be catching bullets from a Makarov in the back of their necks.
* Bet dollars to pelmeni that if these games were held in Stalin's Russia, they'd be ready to go. or the Soviet Sports Minister would be in a cell deep in the Lubyanka.

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