Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pass the Popcorn; Political Corruption Edition.

Ex-Virginia governor Bob McDonnell charged with corruption:

Republican and wife allegedly accepted Rolex, designer clothes and loan of Ferrari, jet and cash from tobacco company. ... Bob McDonnell and his wife insist they gave no political favours to Jonnie Williams, who paid for their daughter's wedding, a Rolex watch, a Louis Vuitton handbag, Oscar de la Renta dresses and loaned them a jet, Ferrari, beach home and $120,000 in cash.

But less than two weeks after leaving the governor's mansion in Richmond, the couple face one of the biggest corruption trials in recent political history after federal prosecutors alleged they promoted Williams' business, Star Scientific, in direct return for the gifts.
The fun fact in all this is that McDonnell's cook was prosecuted for stealing food from the governor's mansion and then ratted him out.

Oh, this could be interesting.

Pass the popcorn.


  1. Particularly enjoying Gov. Terry McAuliffe trying to promise integrity in government.

    munch, munch.

  2. Yeah, that does seem akin to hiring Willie Sutton to be a bank guard.


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