Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dr. Strangelove & the Subtlety of Stanley Kubrick

I never knew this part: Look at the shadow being cast by the B-52:

Look familiar?


  1. Only getting the middle picture...

    Looks like B17 maybe B29.


  2. Damn! Is that the shadow of the Enola Gay?

  3. Given the tail and wings, I'm going with B-17. The B-29's wings were longer and narrower relative to it's fuselage. The tails are a wash, but the slight tail protrusion (tail gunners position) says B-17 as well.

  4. I think it was a B-17. Major Kong's B-52 was named "Leper Colony", which was the name of a B-17 in "Twelve O'clock High".

  5. So: B-29 and Hiroshima or B-17 and Durenberg?

    I vote 29.

  6. It is in fact a B-17. The B-52 is a model being "flown" in front of arctic footage shot from a camera plane. The shadow is the shadow of the camera plane. The camera plane was a B-17G, according to Wikipedia.

  7. The B29 had a completely rounded nose. The windshield "break" in the B17's nose is clearly visible. B17 proportions, B17 tail section profile, wing profile, B17 known to have been the camera plane...

    ...all adds up to internet aviation history experts who can't spell "LeMay" confidently identifying it as a B29, a B24, a bottle of vitamin B12, the original trombonist of the English Beat...

  8. It was a B17 owned by a French firm and used for aerial mapping. The registration was F-BEEA. It crashed during the filming of Memphis Belle.

    Here are some pics of it. Note the 'Dr Stranglove' script over the door.


  9. Unquestionably the profile of a B-17. There was never a day in my youth that there wasn't a B-17 model in our house, my father having flown 35 missions in WWII in one. I remarked on that fact when I spoke at his funeral.

    I'd recognize one anywhere, from any angle.

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired

  10. And I don't believe for a nanosecond that the inclusion of the B-17's shadow was accidental. Kubrick was too skilled for that.

  11. Comrade, I absolutely agree on that deliberate part...the question I think of is IF he had a choice of a B-17 or a B-29 available as a chase plane, would it have been his preference to have the B-29 as a more deliberate message. Or did the B-17 chase plane and shadow he saw on the film cause him to name the "Leper Colony" in the movie?

    Kubrick's immense talent make this a likely unanswerable question.

    Easter eggs like these are always facinating. It's kinda like the sounds in a 13 year-old it didn't click at first that the engine noise was wrong, I was laughing at everything else and trying to make sense of some of it. I still see something new everytime I watch it.

  12. B-17, and while it was an accident, it got used anyway, as an Easter Egg... :-)


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