Tuesday, December 10, 2013

NSA- Spying on the Gamers

Oh, NSA, is there not any low to which you will not sink? For now comes news that the NSA has been infiltrating and spying on gamers in World of Warcraft and Second Life:
To the National Security Agency analyst writing a briefing to his superiors, the situation was clear: their current surveillance efforts were lacking something. The agency's impressive arsenal of cable taps and sophisticated hacking attacks was not enough. What it really needed was a horde of undercover Orcs.
The NSA and the GCHQ had so many spies in those games that that they had to set up protocols to ensure that the spies weren't spying on each other.

If you play either of those games, the NSA was watching you, just in case in your six or more hours of game-playing each day, you found the time to hatch a terrorist plot or two.

For Second Life players, the real stab-in-the-back is that the fucking then-CEO of the company fucking invited the NSA in to spy on the players six years ago.

For all of the spooks' infiltrations into the gaming universe, they seem to have accomplished nothing that even remotely justified the efforts that those freedom and liberty-hating trools put into their gaming.

However, it also could be that some of the geeks at the NSA and GCHQ did this just so they could justify untold hours of gaming while getting paid for it. In which case, the NSA/GCHQ's gaming efforts were more like a form of economic sabotage of those agencies.


  1. ROTF... Naievity is alive and well... Why would anyone think they are NOT being watched online???

  2. Wait, what, people are still using Second Life?

  3. Best comment I've read on this: "The NSA is an agency of geeks and computer nerds. Assigning them to spy on World of Warcraft is like giving an alcoholic a winning lotto ticket and sending him to the liquor store to cash it in."



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