Sunday, October 13, 2013

"The Million Vet March (Minus 999,800 Veterans, That Is)

And that's assuming that all of the 200 bigoted cranks who showed up were veterans.

No shocker that The Canadian Usurper and Bible Spice were among the nuts. And I'm pretty sure that the closest they've ever been to the military was watching a DVD of "Saving Private Ryan."


  1. Do you suppose the person who thought it a good idea to bring their Confederate flag to a protest about the closing of monuments to veterans of the U.S. Army realizes that the Confederates were the enemy of said army, and killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers of same?

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Why do they hate America?

  3. Beast, whenever you see a crowd of white people waving a Confederate flag in front of a black man's house, you know it's only because they're not allowed to burn a cross on the black man's lawn.

    You're welcome.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  4. "...I'm pretty sure that the closest [The Canadian Usurper and Bible Spice]'ve ever been to the military was watching a DVD of "Saving Private Ryan.""

    If that.


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