Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I haven't blogged about the Federal government shutdown because it seems pointless. The Republicans lost the fight to enact the Affordable Care Act. They lost in the courts. The ACA, aka Obamacare, was a central talking point for Republicans in general and the Romney/Ryan campaign in the 2012 presidential election. They tried over three dozen times to repeal it.

They've failed every time.

So now they are taking the government itself hostage in order to get their way. They say they want the Obama Administration to negotiate with them, but it is clear that their idea of negotiation is "you have to do it our way."

The latest GOP talking point is "Obama can negotiate with the Iranians, but not with us?"

Jon Steward had the best comment on that: "If it turns out that President Barack Obama can make a deal with the most intransigent, hard-line, unreasonable, totalitarian mullahs in the world but not with Republicans, maybe he's not the problem."

PS: They might have to cancel the Navy-AF football game this weekend. Cry me a fucking river.



  1. " The merits of the case for or against Obamacare are almost impossible for even well-informed and educated citizens to parse. You start with a law roughly 2,000 pages long, cobbled together largely by lobbyists for the insurance and medical industries, both of them hideous rackets," - JHK


  2. Charlie covers it quite well, too: http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/Shutdown_Blues


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