Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Questions That Needs to be Asked About the NSA

Do they do any good?

Are we getting good value for the billions of dollars they cost us?

How much do they cost us?

What do they really do?

NSA HQ is a black mirrored box, which is a pretty good analogy for how they operate. We, the American people, are supposed to open the top, pour in unknown billions of dollars, and trust that they are doing the right thing.

How do we know? For all we know, the Friday luncheon there might be hookers and blow.

What we get from them is "trust us, we know what's good for you, and we can police ourselves."

I call bullshit.

It's time to clean up that secret cesspool. And if they don't want to cooperate, then let's just drain it.

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