Saturday, August 17, 2013

"Paulsamic Vinegar"-- How Did I Ever Miss This One?

There is this video on YouTube (and it's not the only one) of a crazy person spraying vinegar with a hand-spray bottle to wipe out "chemtrails". Freep has a long story, full of snark, about the Ron Paulistas and "chemtrails".

In a rational world, one would point out that condensation trails form when water vapor in engine exhaust condenses at high altitudes, where it is bloody cold. Contrails have been around since the Second World War, when bombers began flying up high.

In a rational world, one would explain that contrails form about 25,000' and that the airliners which create them are usually flying at altitudes between 33,000 and 39,000 feet.

Trying to eliminate a "chemtrail" by spraying or boiling vinegar at ground level is like trying to put out a match by spraying a hose at it from five or six miles away. At least, that's the point that I'd make to a rational person. One could point out that the duration of any one set of contrails depends on the temperature and dewpoint of the altitude where it was formed, which is why some vanish in a minute and some persist for hours.

But the "chemtrail" people are nowhere near close to being rational. In point of fact, they're close to being certifiable.

And so, in an age-old tradition, we make fun of them.


  1. For the idiots that do this I'd ask

    Whoever said that a weak acid is what kills a "chemtrail"? Who knows it might activate it and a base must be used!

    One does not reason with irrational
    people that believe in myths.

    When one believes in mythology and discards even basic science you get....


    Oh and that vinegar is bad for the lawn.


  2. Bah! You've been listening to so-called "scientists" again, haven't you? Everyone knows that contrails are really aerosols of mind control drugs that the government is spraying. The acidic vinegar neutralizes the drug that has drifted down from the upper atmosphere. Doesn't matter whether you can see contrails or not, the air is full of drugs! Fight mind control, go outside and spray some vinegar right now!

  3. Way back in the cold war days, every morning at the daily alert crew briefing there was a slide with the "contrail forecast" for the area near and over a country on the other side of the world (hint: Sarah Palin can see it from her house- snark).
    The BUFF guys wrote everything down and the tanker crews napped. (the EC guys didn't care).

  4. And we couldn't get high enough to worry about cons... So we slept through the briefs too :-)


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