Friday, August 2, 2013

"Here's Your Money, Now Go Fuck Yourself."

That was pretty much the message this one guy sent:
An Illinois businessman outraged by a court order that he return more than $500,000 in insurance money related to a 2001 wreck that killed his teenage son wanted to pay the money back in pennies in protest, only to recognize that wasn't feasible.

So, Roger Herrin settled on quarters -- four tons of them.
Of course, the lawyers at the firm where he made the payment weren't particularly happy to have a veritable shitload of quarters lying around.

(They can't carry their own guns to watch over things, because they're in Illinois and carrying handguns is still illegal.)


  1. I don't think this situation calls for firearms. If someone stole more than about 20 pounds of the loot, you could probably just run him down and take it back from him.

  2. Media shmedia. I went looking for more info on this story but all I found was about a zillion pages about the truckload of quarters. Do you have any better links?

    Joe: You need guns because it's tradition. Anytime you have a pile of loot you are supposed to have an armed guard. Otherwise people might think you're a commie. Oops, can't say that here.


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