Monday, August 26, 2013

Here's the Thing That Most Famously Talented People Should Keep in Mind

No matter how good you are at something, unless you're Stephen Fucking Hawking, there is somebody out there, living in obscurity, who is every bit as good as you are.

That point was made when Kristin Chenoweth brought up a member of the audience to sing a duet with her. That person, Sarah Horn was every bit as good a singer (and so, arguably, was the girl chosen the following night.)

Until Friday night, nobody knew of Horn.

To Chenoweth's eternal credit, she willingly runs the risk of being upstaged every time she invites someone from the audience to sing with her (they are trying to find people who have the chops to sing with her).

But it doesn't change the point I'm trying to make: Talent and hard work can take you only so far. A little bit of good fortune doesn't hurt. So does keeping in mind that no matter how good you are, there is somebody out there who is both unknown and better than you.

Unless, of course, you happen to be the Waco Kid.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. It says a lot about Ms. Chenoweth that she is so obviously delighted to be sharing the stage with someone so unexpected.


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