Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Feinstein: Pro-Police State All the Way!

DiFi is doing what she can to make sure that "reporters" are people who draw a salary.

So if you're a stringer for a newspaper, no dice. If you get paid for writing an online column, nope, not you. If you run a blog and you manage to make a living doing it, you're not a "reporter" in the eyes of Feinstein.

Maybe you have a blog or a web site and you run across some government shenanigans and you publish them. According to the Mighty DiFi, you're not a reporter and if the Feebies want to take you down, they can.

Jesus Effing, why doesn't she just go ahead and shift over to the GOP? She and Miss Lindsey could make the cutest conservative lesbian couple ever.


  1. Somebody - I forget who - once remarked, perhaps half a century ago, that "In America, anyone can enjoy freedom of the press who is rich enough to own a press."

    These days, with the Internet making all of us publishers and journalists, something has to be done to return freedom of the press to the very few.

    Hence the Diane Feinsteins of the world. She absolutely has to do what she's doing. Why? Because if anybody at all can discover and report news, the people will know too much. And then what?

    Very crankily yours,
    The New York Crank

  2. Damn, thanks for the visual.
    I just threw up in my mouth a little.


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