Thursday, April 26, 2012

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same; Collegiate Edition

You have probably by now heard about how the University of Florida was planning to axe its Computer Sciences department and simultaneously increase spending on football.  Well, UF didn't care for the negative reaction that move generated, so they are walking it back.

Eighty years ago, the collegiate obsession with football was satirized by the Marx Brothers.


  1. Pardon me while I step out and *scream*.


    Interesting entry on Horse Feathers; I haven't seen it in years and hadn't realized that bits were missing.

  2. I am all in favor of letting the cretins who are in charge sink the Titanic. Maybe I'll be lucky and get a seat in a lifeboat, and I can whack them with my oar if they get too close.

  3. Well, uh, yuhsee, football builds character and manliness, and generates revenoo, but all computer sciences does is teach a buncha geeks to string together letters and numbers in a way that nobody can understand nohow.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  4. What possible impact can computers have over the impact upon one's head ?????????
    effing idiots .. but what can you expect from a felon, eh ??


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