Tuesday, February 28, 2012

R-money Angles for the Lumberjack Vote?

C'mon, really, what rational human being would ever say shit like this:
"I come back to Michigan; the trees are the right height."
Pandering to the trees?

I can see the protest signs in other states: "What's wrong with our trees, Mittens?" Of course, is someone were to ask him about it, he'd explain how the palm trees in New Orleans are the right height and so are the sequoyas in California. For if there is anything that ol' Willard can do, it is flip-flop, pander and lie at the drop of a byte.

Still, a presidential candidate pandering over the height of trees? This shit is kind of embarrassing. Can one of Cylon Mitt's programmers see if they can do a little percussive adjustment to Mitt's CPU?*
* I recommend using a framing hammer.


  1. Oh yay.
    That moron is slated to come to Washington state sometime this week.
    The.... Evergreen.... state and yes, we still have lumberjacks.

    Maybe one of them could drop a Douglas Fir on his head.

  2. Amazing how easy it actually is to "aim" a conifer, once you have a few thousand behind you. Hardwoods remain troublesome however. Had to use "english" in my falling work. Had a tree I couldn't complete the cut on since the only area to stand was downhill. Cut till I had to go and then hit it with another 'aimed' tree from uphill."Oak tree in the corner pocket".
    And you think guns are powerful, try a big saw in open forest. Who Whee, they Do make noise even when you aren't there!

  3. This is what happens when you outsource your candidate's programming to the lowest bidder in India. Just sayin' ;).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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