Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chump Change

The landmark $25 billion settlement reached by the federal government, 49 states and the nation's five biggest banks will provide long-overdue relief for hundreds of thousands of homeowners who have been struggling to navigate the mortgage mess created by lenders.
$25 billion to let them of the hook for the most massive fraudulent scheme in history. $1,500 to be paid to people who were screwed out of their houses, probably most of them by the use of forged documents.

It should have been more, much, much more.

The banksters win again.


  1. Did you really think anything different would happen?

  2. That's a whole lot of parking tickets and not one rotten motherfucker ever sees the inside of a Grey Bar Motel.

    I scream Bullshit.

    They still made Billions and are sitting on millions of pieces of property they gained by illegal means and are going to be able to sell at a later date for a tidy profit, even though they haven't paid shit for taxes or upkeep.

    Nothing about that I see.

  3. This isn't a "fine" this is a bookeeping adjustment.
    Back to profit as usual.

  4. I have heard, to add insult to injury, that the "awards" to those individuals who have lost their homes will be taxable income.


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