Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Word, Mein Herr?

The TSA now wants to have a friendly chat with you before you clear interrogation security. And if you don't want to have that friendly chat with the TSA busybody, they'll strip-search your ass subject you to "enhanced security."

Sort of like the way "enhanced interrogation" meant "torture", I gather.

If I owned stock in an airline, any airline, I'd sell it.


  1. That's the way the Israelis do it, they have an eye to eye talk with you (and apparently not much else, not much in the way of fancy scanning machines). And their record is very, very good.

  2. Stewart, do you really think that the TSA, which pays their screeners about $12.50 and hour, is in the same league as the Israelis?

    I doubt it. I really doubt it.

  3. ahhh, no. What I was saying without any sarcasm (rare around here, I know, and for good reason) was that this (can be) is a very good technique with proven results.

    ....Stewart wanders off, reciting Yeats' Second Coming under his breath...


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