Friday, October 28, 2011

"We Can Win This War If We Invade Cambodia and Take Away Their Safe Havens!"

The parallels just keep on coming!
CBS News correspondent David Martin reports that American outposts on the Afghan side of the border have experienced a dramatic increase in mortar and rocket attacks launched from inside Pakistan.

"The cross border fires this year...are over four times higher than they had been in the past years, so considerably higher," said Lt. Gen. Curtis Scaparotti, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.


  1. Maybe Dow can come up with a chemical to eliminate caves. And rocks. I'm sure health complaints from our soldiers won't be listened to.

  2. In 1970 I was in the Service of the Department of Defense, and I was bombing the dog shit out of Cambodia, except according to all the "Official" paper work I was bombing the dog shit out of Vietnam. "Operation Breakfast" part deux only this time we will use MQ-1 and MQ-2 controlled from the comfort of lovely Nellis AFB.

    To answer Nangleator, we got that they are called BLU-118/B, it is not a chemical agent it is just a thermobaric warhead, and it can be fitted with various laser guidance packages. You just need a F-15E to bring it to the picnic. If they are really deep then there is the GBU-28, 100 feet of dirt or 20 feet of 5000 psi concrete is not enough to keep you safe. both of these jewels have published CEP of under 1 meter.

    You can run, but you cannot hide

  3. I won't ever doubt that we can kill people. I often doubt that we can kill the right people.


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