Saturday, October 29, 2011

Occupy Your College Campus

Also, the Governor of Tennessee decreed a curfew for the statehouse grounds. Seems that he had no authority to do that, so everyone who was arrested for violating the governor's curfew was freed. Now should come the lawsuits against the governor, as an individual, for illegal arrests.



  1. That's just bizarre (the graph that is, the governor is just typical). When did student loans become unforgivable?

  2. I missed ya while I was without the tubes.

    Normally you are on my list of must haves.


  3. Charles, the law was changed in 1998. The Congress was in the firm control of the party of Hoover at the time.

    Busted, smooch right back. I've been without power for a day, got it back an hour ago. Lights and heat! Life is good.

  4. I am on disability, when I called to try to make payment arrangements they sent me a form for my doctor to fill out so it could be forgiven. Then they sent me letter saying that they have to decide if I'm disabled, in the meantime they will keep taking %15 of my check. Said it might take a year and if I was really disabled, they'd give the money back.


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